Targeting Hard-to-Reach HCPs with a Full-Funnel Paid Media Approach


Case Study

A Full-Funnel Campaign Leveraging Unique Channels and Influencer Content to Reach HCPs


The client is a digital dermatology app looking to increase subscriptions during their annual Black Friday campaign. The client faced the challenge of reaching traditionally hard-to-reach health care providers (HCPs) to promote their product.

The Problem


The team developed a thorough marketing strategy that addressed the entire funnel and identified the most frequented channels for healthcare professionals (HCPs), including Google, LinkedIn, and Reddit. To target HCPs effectively, campaigns were deployed across various platforms that utilized influencer video content tailored to address their unique pain points. The team also incorporated compelling headlines and persuasive copy that incentivized the audience to convert, which was further facilitated by the use of promotional codes.

The Solution


The Results


The full-funnel marketing strategy implemented led to a significant increase in subscriptions for the digital dermatology app. The campaign saw a 43.61% increase in sessions YoY, and lead generation increased by 45.89% YoY. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the full-funnel marketing approach in reaching traditionally hard-to-reach audiences and driving conversions.